On April 2nd, 2015, at Garissa University, the Somali-based militant groupal-Shabaab terrorists killed almost 150 people, primarily students, and wounded many others.

During the attack SAFEY was able to send SMS alerts to all users in the area. Alerts included information about were on campus the militants were. Plus, information about explosives used, that hostages were taken, and authorities had cordoned off the area.

SAFEY also includes risk analysis for travelers to read before going to Kenya, which is available in-app.

Core risks include: terrorism, crime and occasional bouts of violent ethnic and communal unrest. However, the primary risk for travelers to Kenya is road traffic safety.

Our advice to travelers if caught up in a terror attack:

If a Terrorism event occurs:

  • Remain calm.
  • Follow the instruction of emergency personnel.
  • Listen to local media broadcasts for further information
  • Implement business continuity and emergency plans if safe to do so

Evacuation During a Terror Attack

  • Respond immediately to any instructions from the emergency services regarding premises evacuation.
  • Seek to distance yourself from the situation if safe to do so; exit the area quickly and quietly, using routes that lead away from the danger, and make yourself known to police or emergency personnel
  • Risk management team, business continuity manager or designated Incident Manager / Gold Commander may be liaising with the emergency services and on-site personnel to implement an evacuation.
  • Use travel routes specified by local authorities—do not use alternative routes due to potential road closures, ongoing counter-terrorism operations or the threat of secondary attacks.
  • The incident may require an invacuation or “Shelter in Place”. Personnel should rally at a pre-determined safe location and keep all doors and windows locked. Plant equipment should be turned off if possible. Contingency planning will need to consider sustenance, particularly fluids, first aid provision and toilet facilities at the pre-determined location.
  • Be prepared to wait and remain patient. It could be many hours before personnel are able to leave the building.
  • Do not leave the ‘Shelter in Place’ until informed to do so by someone in authority.

 For more information, read our counter-terrorism whitepaper.